Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Unit-1st handwritten notes free PDF download
In this unit we will discuss Impurities in pharmaceutical substances: History of Pharmacopoeia, Sources and types of impurities, principle involved in the limit test for Chloride, Sulphate, Iron, Arsenic, Lead and Heavy metals, modified limit test
for Chloride and Sulphate General methods of preparation, assay for the compounds superscripted with asterisk, properties and medicinal uses of inorganic compounds belonging to the following classes. In this post you will get a direct download link of the note of Pharmacy 1st semester Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry unit 1 handwritten note
- Impurities in pharmaceutical substances: History of Pharmacopoeia,
Sources and types of impurities, principle involved in the limit test for
Chloride, Sulphate, Iron, Arsenic, Lead and Heavy metals, modified limit test
for Chloride and Sulphate
General methods of preparation, assay for the compounds superscripted
with asterisk , properties and medicinal uses of inorganic compounds
belonging to the following classes