Communication Skills Unit-1st handwritten notes free PDF download
In this unit we will discuss given content: Communication Skills: Introduction, Definition, The Importance of Communication, The Communication Process – Source, Message, Encoding, Channel, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback, Context
Barriers to communication: Physiological Barriers, Physical Barriers, Cultural Barriers, Language Barriers, Gender Barriers, Interpersonal Barriers, Psychological Barriers, Emotional barriers Perspectives in Communication: Introduction, Visual Perception, Language, Other factors affecting our perspective – Past Experiences, Prejudices, Feelings, Environment. In this post you will get a direct download link of the note of Pharmacy 1st semester Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry unit I handwritten note
- Communication Skills: Introduction, Definition, The Importance of Communication,
The Communication Process – Source, Message, Encoding, Channel, Decoding,
Receiver, Feedback, Context - Barriers to communication: Physiological Barriers, Physical Barriers, Cultural
Barriers, Language Barriers, Gender Barriers, Interpersonal Barriers, Psychological
Barriers, Emotional barriers - Perspectives in Communication: Introduction, Visual Perception, Language, Other
factors affecting our perspective – Past Experiences, Prejudices, Feelings, Environment