Types of WEB Development for Beginners

Types of WEB Development for Beginners

Types of web development for beginners
Types of WEB Development for Beginners

In this blog, we will discuss about web development and it's types. It is one of the most useful and widely learn able course or coding for coding students. We will simply go for it's types and explain you all one by one.

First of all we will list all its type that we are also going to describe in this blog. So thery are as follows:

  1. Front End Development

  2. Back End Development

  3. Full Stack Development

  4. Website Development

  5. Desktop Development

  6. Mobile Development

  7. Game Development

  8. Embedded Development

  9. Security Development

These are 9 types that we are going to discuss in this blog and now we will describe each one by one:

#1 Front End Development-: 

Front end means all those things that we are seeing on the device. It may be software, application, browser, site or any other thing. Precisely, we can say that front end developer works on that thing what a user actually sees.

This simply creates a path so that a user who is on site can reach his/ her destination and that path is developed by a front end developer. A good developer in this field gives a best user experience so that user on site can reach easily wherever he wanted to go. 

#2 Back-End Development

This is all about how a user reaches his goal on a site. All mechanism of it behind the site is done by back end development. Back end developers work on server of site, software and programs to maintain mechanism of site.

They work in the development of site, software, operating system, APIs to create a proper system. They work to maintain all these things so that they can bring user to its need. They work together with front end developers to do all work completely.

#3 Full Stack Development

A full stack developer can work like a combination of front end and back end developer. It can work for both sides of the site, software, application and operating system. Here Stack means a combination of different Technology that can help you to perform various functions on same work.

Since, it includes almost all things to work with in a site etc, hence it requires a lot of time to develop experience in it. But after working for much time in it, they gathered with a lot of knowledge. That's why they can predict any upcoming problem before it's occurence and give solution to solve them.

#4 Website Development

These developers can perform all work that a front end, back end and full stack developer can perform. But they are more dedicated to develop a website and not any app, software or system. 

They work to build a website for their user demand and according to the demand of public or trend. This work is very awesome for new students because they can get their result as soon as they complete a code. 

#5 Desktop Development

Desktop developers work for developing offline softwares mainly that run on desktop. They don't work for creating sites and other things but they are dedicated to create softwares. A experienced desktop developer can work to create a software that runs on desktop and also on online with Web browsers. It is also one of the major choice of web developers to choose it as an option for creating something on desktop.

#6 Mobile Development

Mobile development is all about creating applications for mobile like devices, it may be a smartphone or tablet. These applications are for both online and offline use and has a good approach to public needs.

But it requires some other set of knowledge of programming languages and skills for developing apps.

#7 Game Development

It requires coding for video games that are to developed by you and your team. In most of the games, it requires collective efforts and more things of a team. It's development is an art of creating, designing and developing games on both Android or mobile Platform and also on PlayStation XBOX.

#8 Embedded Development

Embedded is a word that refers something like attached with computer hardware. It is that hardware which is attached with computer and is not a part of computer. In recent few years, technologies are highly changed and day by day new things are coming in advance form. 

Bluetooth and wifi are one of the examples of embedded Development that are being widely used in these days.

#9 Security Development

Security development is to ensure proper security methods and measures are implemented or not in a website to make it more and more secure. There are vulnerabilities in many sites, softwares and browsers, a unethical hacker always try to missue it by exploiting while a ethical one always try to reduce bad effects of exploiting a vulnerability.

Web Development Process

It is not an easy process to do with but it is also not so tough if you have good skills. If you are willing to develop a site, you should have good grasp in these three coding skills: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Firstly you have to create a hard copy blueprint of your site. 

Think all requirements of your site and all content of individual pages. 

  1. Your logic code is an important thing because it will tell about how your site will respond to coming requests. It is a code which tells all such responding things.

  2. Database management is also an important term it actually manage how data will be managed in your site and your site retrieve all data.

  3. Infrastructure, it is also an important but not most necessary thing. This is because it is much expansive and having this one means to have an own health system or security system of your site.

So guys I think these all things are enough for you to give a basic ideas about web development, it's types and web development process. This includes much more things but this enough thing will give you a good idea that how it works and what it includes.

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