biopharmaceutics & Phrmacokinetics unit-3rd handwritten notes free PDF download
Pharmacokinetics: Definition and introduction to Pharmacokinetics, Compartment models, Non compartment models, physiological models, One compartment open model. (a). Intravenous Injection (Bolus) (b). Intravenous infusion and (c) Extra vascular administrations. Pharmacokinetics parameters – KE ,t1/2,Vd,AUC,Ka, Clt and CLR- definitions methods of eliminations, understanding of their significance and
Index of Unit-3rd
- Pharmacokinetics: Definition and introduction to Pharmacokinetics, Compartment
- models, Non compartment models, physiological models, One compartment open
- model. (a). Intravenous Injection (Bolus) (b). Intravenous infusion and (c) Extra
- vascular administrations. Pharmacokinetics parameters – KE ,t1/2,Vd,AUC,Ka, Clt and
- CLR- definitions methods of eliminations, understanding of their significance and